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Saturday, July 4, 2009

"Sorry Non-Performance": Battered Women Constitute Another Immigration System #Epicfail

William Fisher writes:

Here's a note for the "to do" list of the Obama Administration's newly appointed Domestic Violence Czar - or Czarina in this case: Battered wives and significant others pose a serious law enforcement and public health problem affecting as many as one in four women in this country. But they are not just an American problem. Women are being whacked all over the world. And some of them are trying to find safety in America - and are being turned away.

Why? Because of the inept and bureaucratic foot-dragging of our Departments of Justice and Homeland Security. Thanks to their sorry non-performance over more than a decade, domestic violence is still not a legal basis for seeking asylum in the U.S.

link: William Fisher: Give Us Your Huddled Masses - But Battered Women Need Not Apply!


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