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Monday, July 6, 2009

Climate Change Expanding Tropics as Arctic Warms Also

While much of the media focus on the effects of climate change has been on the Arctic, a review of peer-reviewed scientific literature done by researchers at Australia's James Cook University reveals that in the past 25 years there's been a expansion of the world's tropical zones and that human activity has contributed to it:

The literature review shows that the areas which climatologists and meteorologists consider to be the tropics (which is defined differently than in geography) have expanded at minimum 300 kilometers (186 miles).

Future expansion of these zones is harder to predict, but based on what's now known the planet could see a further spread of the tropical conditions over the next 25 years of between 222-553 kilometers (138-338 miles).

link: Climate Change Already Expanding Tropics, Sub-Tropical Arid Zones and Disease : TreeHugger


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