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Friday, June 26, 2009

Iran: Mousavi Calls Regime on "Contradiction Between Their Actions and their Duty"

10:23 am: Mousavi’s open letter to Iran’s national security council regarding illegal activities of the plainclothes individuals.

In a letter to Iran’s security council, Mousavi asked them to take immediate measures to prevent un-uniformed individuals from using violence. Mousavi said that armed individuals without uniforms or ranks have been frequently attacking demonstrators before the armed forces arrive, destroying property and injuring people. “I remind the council that this evil phenomenon – that the authorities in charge of providing order and security use plainclothes agents among their forces – proves that the armed forces are aware of the contradiction between their actions and their legal duties; therefore, that they are not willing to be associated with such appalling acts.” Mousavi then asked the council to take immediate action to stop these individuals.

link: niacINsight


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